The Future of the Brain : The Promise and Perils of Tomorrow’s Neuroscience

The Future of the Brain : The Promise and Perils of Tomorrow’s Neuroscience
NT $ 570
  • 作者:Steven Rose
  • 出版日期:2006-07-13
  • ISBN10:1936287404
  • ISBN13:9781936287406
Rose explores just how far neuroscience may help us understand the human brain - including consciousness - and to what extent cutting edge technologies should have the power to mend or manipulate the mind. Rose first offers a panoramic look at what we now know about the brain, from its three-billion-year evolution, to its astonishingly rapid development in the embryo, to the miraculous process of infant development (how a brain becomes a human). More importantly, he shows what all this science can - and cannot - tell us about the human condition.
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