Art & Soul: Stars Unite to Celebrate and Support the Arts

Art & Soul: Stars Unite to Celebrate and Support the Arts
NT $ 1,400


Art & Soul is a large-format glossy coffee-table book, featuring intimate portraits of celebrities from the entertainment industry including TV, music, film and stage. The stunning images, shot by Pulitzer prize-winning photographer Brian Smith, are accompanied by personal testimonials from each artist expressing the importance of the arts in our culture and the positive impact it has on our lives.

The notes - in each artist's own handwriting - range from whimsical to weighty, but all offer insight into the individual's background and how their lives were shaped by art. The book also contains a foreword by a celebrated public figure involved in this cause.

Celebrities photographed for the book include such luminaries as:
Adrien Brody, Zooey Deschanel, Adrian Grenier, Anne Hathaway, Samuel L. Jackson, Joe Mantegna, Amanda Peet, John Turturro, Kerry Washington and many more.

The book is created in partnership with the Creative Coalition, the premier public advocacy charity, founded by prominent figures in the entertainment industry. It is an important part of a campaign to focus national attention on the need to ensure that arts in America thrive and flourish.

A terrific gift, Art & Soul also helps to support the arts, inspiring future generations of creative artists and improving our lives.
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