

  還記得《Between the Lines》裡面那位英勇王子Oliver嗎?當 Delilah將他從書中世界帶到現實生活後,Oliver的冒險才剛開始!雖然Oliver在現實生活有點困惑(他不懂為何不能用匕首敲開保險櫃),但他的眼中只有Delilah,這一切美妙極了!


  From #1 New York Times bestselling authors Jodi Picoult and her daughter and coauthor, Samantha van Leer, comes OFF THE PAGE, a tender and appealing romantic YA novel filled with humor, adventure, and just a little bit of magic.
  Meet Oliver, a prince literally taken from the pages of a fairy tale and transported into the real world. Meet Delilah, the girl who wished Oliver into being. It’s a miracle that seems perfect at first. Sure, Oliver doesn’t know that you shouldn’t try to open your locker with a dagger or that there’s no such thing as “the ruler” of the local mall. But he also looks at Delilah as if she’s the only girl in the world—the only girl in any world—and Delilah can’t help feeling that being with him is a dream come to life.
  But not every story can have a happy ending. Because the book wants Oliver back. And it will turn both worlds upside down to get him.
  Oliver and Delilah will have to decide what—and who—they’re willing to risk for love and what it really means for a fairy tale to come true.
  Full of humor and witty commentary about life, OFF THE PAGE is a stand-alone novel as well as the companion to the authors’ #1 bestseller Between the Lines. Fans of Sarah Dessen and Meg Cabot are sure to appreciate this novel about love, romance, and happily-ever-afters.




茱迪.皮考特 Jodi Picoult


   她的作品已經被翻譯成三十多種語言,並在四十餘個國家發行銷售,繁體中文版有:《姊姊的守護者》、《事發的19分鐘》、《第十層地獄》、《換心》、《死 亡約定》、《小心輕放》、《當愛遠行》、《完全真相》、《失去的幸福時光》、《家規》、《魔鬼遊戲》、《凡妮莎的妻子》、《留住信念》、《消逝之行》、 《孤狼》、《大翅鯨之歌》、《最初的心跳》、《說故事的人》(依臺灣商務出版時序)。皮考特眾多著作中的《第十層地獄》、《死亡約定》、《完全真相》、 《Salem Falls》已被改編成電視電影集,暢銷著作《姊姊的守護者》並翻拍成電影於全球上映。

  其在2003年獲得美國新英格 蘭最佳小說獎,並榮登《紐約時報》暢銷作家之列,多部作品皆一出版便盤據《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜第一名數週之久,2012年與女兒Samantha van Leer合著青少年小說《Between the Lines》, 並在2013年推出短篇故事《The Color War》,2014年新作為《Leaving Time》。

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