Twin Peaks: Unwrapping the Plastic

Twin Peaks: Unwrapping the Plastic
NT $ 1,350
  • 作者:BoulegueFranck
  • 出版社:Intellect L & D E F A E
  • 出版日期:2017-01-15
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1783206594
  • ISBN13:9781783206599
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 17.8 x 24.1 x 1 cm / 普通級


Few contemporary television shows have been subjected to the critical scrutiny that has been brought to bear on David Lynch and Mark Frost’sTwin Peaks since its debut in 1990.Yet the series, and the subsequent film,Fire Walk With Me, are sufficiently rich that it’s always possible for a close analysis to offer something new—and that’s what Frank Boulègue has done withTwin Peaks: Unwrapping the Plastic. Through Boulègue’s eyes, we see for the first time the world ofTwin Peaks as a coherent whole, one that draws on a wide range of cultural source material, including surrealism, transcendental meditation, Jungian psychoanalysis, mythology, fairy tales, and much, much more. The work of a scholar who is also a fan, the book should appeal to any hardcore Twin Peaks viewer.
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