
  米其林名廚Jeremy Fox第一本蔬食料理書,160道季節性料理,讓你在家一秒變大廚!

  從酒鄉納帕的米其林一星餐廳闖出名號的名廚Jeremy Fox,向來以他改變蔬食的神奇調理方式驚豔眾人。如今這位名聞全美的名廚將他的食譜公諸於世!《On Vegetables》是Jeremy執筆的第一本料理書,在書中Jeremy為家庭主婦示範160道在家也能做的簡單料理,每道料理都使用創意的調理方式加上獨特配方,凸顯蔬食的季節性美味,讓Jeremy示範的每道佳餚既色香味俱全也賞心悅目,精確體現出Jeremy料理的蔬食精神!(文/博客來編譯)

  The highly anticipated cookbook from Jeremy Fox, the California chef who is redefining vegetable-based cuisine with global appeal

  Known for his game-changing approach to cooking with vegetables, Jeremy Fox first made his name at the Michelin-starred restaurant Ubuntu in Napa Valley. Today he is one of America’s most talked-about chefs, celebrated for the ingredient-focused cuisine he serves at the Los Angeles restaurant, Rustic Canyon Wine Bar and Seasonal Kitchen. In his first book, Fox presents his food philosophy in the form of 160 approachable recipes for the home cook. On Vegetables elevates vegetarian cooking, using creative methods and ingredient combinations to highlight the textures, flavours, and varieties of seasonal produce and including basic recipes for the larder.
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