THE ECONOMIST 經濟學人雜誌 2020/07/11第28期

THE ECONOMIST 經濟學人雜誌 2020/07/11第28期
NT $ 275


How not to tackle American racism

Our cover this week argues that a set of illiberal ideas about how to tackle American racism will only hinder progress. Leaders like Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King used vigorous protest and relentless argument to push society towards their vision of equality of opportunity and equality before the law. Most Americans still hew to that classical liberal ideal, as do many of those who marched with justified anger over the killing of George Floyd by a white policeman in Minneapolis. But a dangerous rival approach has emerged from American universities. It rejects the liberal notion of progress. It defines everyone by their race, and every action as racist or anti-racist. It is not yet dominant, but it is dynamic and it is spreading out of the academy into newsrooms and boardrooms. If it supplants liberal values, then intimidation will chill open debate and sow division to the disadvantage of all, black and white.


THE ECONOMIST 《經濟學人》雜誌是全球最有公信力的一本週刊,已享譽國際百餘年。經濟學人編輯風格與眾不同,每則報導皆由編輯負責群一同精心討論出來,因此每篇文章採納 各方意見,立場絕對中立,而非以個人觀點報導。這也是為什麼經濟學人的每一篇文章皆不具名。


英國《經濟學人》雜誌的寫作風格十分有特色,注重於如何在最小的篇幅內告訴讀者最多的信息。《經濟學人》的文章也以妙語聞名,是學英文 、準備留學學子的一流讀物。

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