The Ethnic Groups and Migration of the Formosan Natives

The Ethnic Groups and Migration of the Formosan Natives
NT $ 308
本書廣納考古學、人類學、歷史學等領域的研究成果,引領讀者深入探索偉大的航海民族──南島民族的神秘世界。透過中研院院士李壬癸的精采研究,帶領讀者跨越學術研究的殿堂,了解南島民族為何是世界公認的文化瑰寶,一同神遊台灣南島民族的奇幻旅程。(中文版書介) Prior to reading this book, I didn't fully grasp the breadth or depth of Li's research. After some cogitation it became clear to me that this was because my previous perception of linguistics was quite narrow. Much like many other sciences, the scope of modern linguistics has expanded outward to become all-embracing. It is now as much philosophic as it is scientific. -Chang Kwang-chih, international authority on archeology
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