
906 Aisho Miura Arts Tokyo
965 Aki Gallery 也趣藝廊 Taipei
909 Art Data Bank Tokyo
920 ARTCOURT Gallery Osaka
971 Arthis Fine Gallery 金禧美術 Taichung
948 Asia Art Center 亞洲藝術中心 Taipei & Beijing
952 Aura Gallery 亦安畫廊 Beijing
922 Boss Gallery 東家畫廊 Taipei
926 Capital Art Gallery 首都藝術中心 Taipei
946 Caves Gallery 敦煌藝術 Taipei
924 Cloud Gallery 青雲畫廊 Taipei
914 Da Xiang Art Space 大象藝術空間館 Taichung
908 Der-Horng Gallery 德鴻畫廊 Tainan
968 digmeout FACTORY Osaka
923 Dynasty Art Gallery 朝代藝術 Taipei
928 E.D.LEE Gallery 藝大利藝術中心 Taipei
933 Elsa Art Gallery 雲清藝術中心 Taipei
939 Galer□a Adora Calvo Salamanca
935 Galerie Grand Siecle 新苑藝術 Taipei
904 Gallery 2 Seoul
966 Gallery 360o/ Maki Fine Arts Tokyo
943 Gallery Art Composition Tokyo
936 Gallery EXIT 安全口 Hong Kong
911 Gallery Fukuda Osaka
974 Gallery J. Chen Taipei
953 Gallery Kogure Tokyo
951 Gallery Tengensya Osaka
947 Gallery Terra Tokyo Tokyo
962 Hanmo Art Gallery 世紀翰墨 Beijing
929 H-art Beat Tokyo
918 Holy Oriental Art Gallery 聖東方藝術畫廊 Beijing
907 hpgrp GALLERY TOKYO Tokyo
976 Imavision Gallery 晴山藝術中心 Taipei
930 inart space 加力畫廊 Tainan
913 island Chiba
945 Jia Art Gallery 家畫廊 Taipei
941/942 Jiang-Shan Gallery 江山藝廊 Taichung
910 Julia Gallery 雅逸藝術中心 Taipei
959 Ke-Yuan Gallery 科元藝術 Taichung
940 Licence Art Gallery 東門美術館 Taipei & Tainan
927 MORI YU GALLERY Tokyo & Kyoto
969 MOT/ARTS MOT Taipei
925 Northern Baker Art Center 北莊藝術 Taipei
912 Pata Gallery 八大畫廊 Taipei & Beijing
975 Ping Art Space 平藝術空間 Taipei
958 Platform China 站台中國 Beijing
921 Project ful ll Art Space 就在藝術空間 Taipei
964 Rontgenwerke AG. Tokyo & Fukuoka
956 Saihodo Gallery 彩鳳堂畫廊 Tokyo
938 Star Crystal Gallery 藝星藝術中心 Taipei
934 The Quan Artist Agency Co, Ltd. 有寬藝術經紀有限公司 Taichung
905 Tosee Art 土思藝術 Taipei
957 Triumph Art 藝●凱旋藝術空間 Beijing
973 unseal contemporary Tokyo
963 William Art Space 威廉當代藝術空間 Taipei
937 YOD Gallery Osaka
955 Yoshiaki Inoue Gallery Osaka


  自2008年雷曼兄弟倒下至今,經濟慘劇一路從美洲延燒到亞洲,股市與房市的大震盪所引發的虛擬與實體經濟的崩盤,相信我們大家都已飽嚐這苦澀的滋味,雖然2010的今天,仍有許多專家學者或企業負責人,以相當程度的不樂觀心態預估未來的經濟景況,藝術市場當然無法倖免於這場重創,去年度亞洲區的各大藝術博覽會大幅降低的成交額,是大家有目共睹的,但2009年Young Art Taipei 交出一張極漂亮的成績單,一枝獨秀地再造台灣經濟與藝術實力,讓台北於當代藝術國際版圖中展現光芒。奠基於去年的經驗與成功,在台灣當代藝術社的帶領下,我有信心2010年的Young Art Taipei (以下簡稱YAT 2010)會更上一層樓。


  2010年雖仍壟罩著經濟低氣壓,Young Art Taipei 在展商數上反而不減反增地有30%的成長,有來自亞洲各地的菁英展商,以及首度的歐洲畫廊參與,總計高達57間之多。經過評審機制入選的優質作品涵蓋平面、立體、新媒體等類型,充分呈現當代藝術的豐富多元。


  全民參與。有鑒於台灣當代藝術市場的高度潛力,YAT 2010 整合媒體、設計、科技、公部門以及網路等各界的資源,讓各式相關活動效益加乘,例如全民票選、學術講座、藝術競賽等,有效運用專業資源聯盟,以達最大效果。


  兼備老藏家的深度服務與新藏家的培養開發,YAT 2010 整合內部當代藝術社的資深經驗與操作,與國際藏家團體合作計劃,輔以國際展商藏家動員,企圖再展市場高峰。

  YAT 2010 將以最受期待的國際畫廊展商,最優質的當代藝術作品,最積極的經濟市場規模,最高人氣的亞洲博覽會,札實經營全亞洲當代藝術品牌,展望國際平台新契機。

  Since Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. went bankrupt in the year 2008, economic disaster has affected the whole world from America to Asia. We have already tasted the bitter flavor of market collapse, including the stock, property and art markets. Although the future outlook of the art world was generally pessimistic, Young Art Taipei 2009 experienced a remarkably positive year: it was the one and only art fair that made increased returns in Asia. The strength of Taiwanese art collection establishes Taipei as one of the important art cities in the world. Based on the experience and success of YAT 2009, I have great confidence in leading
Young Art Taipei 2010 to an even wider and bolder stage than last year.

  Showing the most diverse, international and abundant contemporary art.

  In the depressed economic atmosphere of 2010, Young Art Taipei, surprisingly, increased its participants by 30% more than last year. Not only Asian participants are eager to take part, but galleries from all over the world are showing extreme interest in us. We reached a high attendance of fifty-seven participants at YAT 2010.

  There was a diversity of artworks submitted including painting, sculpture and new
media, which represented an abundance of quality contemporary art.

  Integrated marketing strategy highlights this year’s Young Art Taipei effort.

  In order to bring intensive results, YAT 2010 uses resources from different fields such as media, design, production, government and web power. By holding various events like the Young Art Award, online voting, and lectures, I believe YAT 2010 is going to draw a great deal of attention, awareness, and attendance.

  Activate the collector project extensively.

  Both old and new collector friends are the two main groups we are focusing on.

  In 2010, we are cooperating with international collectors, and seek to create
another peak in the contemporary art market.

  In conclusion, YAT 2010 does not put “Being the number one art fair” as the major objective, rather the main target is “Presenting the best of contemporary art”.

  YAT 2010 is absolutely the branding of contemporary art event in Asia, bridging arts and art business from Taiwan to the whole world.

Rick Wang
President of Taiwanese Contemporary Art Link &
Chairman of Young Art Taipei 2010
王瑞棋 | 台灣當代藝術社社長&YOUNG ART TAIPEI 2010 主席

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