
925/926 2902 Gallery  Singapore
903 a gallery Hong Kong
965 Aki Gallery | 也趣藝廊 Taipei
940 Art For All Society (AFA) | 全藝社 Macau, Beijing
946 artdish g Tokyo
957 Arthis Fine Art | 金禧美術 Taichung
936 Boss art gallery | 東家畫廊 Taipei
923 Butchart Contemporary Art Space | 布查當代藝術空間 Taipei
906/907 C.NA GALLERY Beijing
938 Cloud Gallery | 青雲畫廊 Taipei
902 Dahlia Gallery LLP Singapore
956 Der-Horng Art Gallery | 德鴻畫廊 Tainan
954 Dialogue Space | 對畫空間 Beijing
973 Dynasty Art Gallery | 朝代畫廊 Taipei
924 E.D.Lee Gallery | 藝大利藝術中心 Taipei
962 Galerie Grand Siecle | 新苑藝術 Taipei
909 Galerie Ora-Ora | 奧拿奧拿畫廊 Hong Kong
969 Gallery Kaze Osaka
930 Gallery Kogure Tokyo
967 Gallery TAIMEI | 泰明畫廊 Tokyo
955 Gallery Tsubaki Tokyo
963 Gallery Uniglavas Ginza-kan Tokyo
901 H-art Beat Tokyo
934 Han Art Agency | 涵藝術經紀公司 Kaohsiung
974 Ho Ho ARTS | 鶴軒藝術 Taichung
978 hpgrp GALLERY TOKYO Tokyo
966 Imavision Gallery | 晴山藝術 Taipei
904 Inart Space | 加力畫廊 Tainan
910 JFA Living Art | 傑法國際有限公司 Taipei
908 Julia Gallery | 雅逸藝術中心 Taipei
922 Kaikai Kiki Gallery  Tokyo & Taipei
927 Kawata Gallery | 川田畫廊 Kabe
959 Ke-Yuan Gallery | 科元藝術中心  Taichung
952 Keumsan Gallery | 琴山畫廊  Seoul, Henri, Tokyo
941/942 KING SPACE | KING 空間 Shanghai & HsinChu
975 Kinosho Kikaku 木之庄企畫+ Gallery 156  Tokyo
977 Lee Gallery | 黎畫廊 Taipei
939 Linda Gallery | 林大畫廊 Beijing, Singapore, Jakarta
928 Lipen Art | 麗品藝術 Taipei
933 Mori Yu Gallery Tokyo, Kyoto
958 MOT/ARTS Taipei
943 neutron Tokyo, Kyoto
961 Northern Banker Art Center | 北莊文化藝術中心 Taipei
932 Ohshima Fine Art Tokyo
911 Saihodo Gallery | 彩鳳堂畫廊 Tokyo
937 Sharaku Gallery | 寫樂畫廊 Nagoya
945 Shonandai Gallery | 湘南台畫廊 Tokyo, Kanagawa
976 Shoreman Art International | 協民國際藝術 Taipei
929 STANDING PINE - cube Nagoya
935 Star Gallery | 藝星藝術中心 Taipei
960 STAYREAL Gallery Taipei
947 The Quan Artist Agency Co, Ltd | 有寬藝術經紀有限公司 Taichung
905 Triumph Art Space | 藝‧凱旋藝術空間 Beijing
971 Vintage Gallery | 維嘉畫廊 Taipei
948 William Contemporary Art Space | 威廉當代藝術空間 Taipei
964 YOD Gallery Osaka



  隨著亞洲經濟體系慢慢的崛起,文化產業亦跟著漸漸被本區域各界開始重視。對藝術市場有著直接且重大影響的藝術博覽會,這幾年來,如雨後春筍般,相繼舉辦。然而,在這眾星閃爍的熱鬧活動中, 台灣的YOUNG ART TAIPEI( 台北國際當代藝術博覽會),算是一個風格突出,且不容忽視的產業平台。

  聚焦於45歲以下當代藝術家的YOUNG ART TAIPEI從2009年開始,由四位創辦人共同努力籌劃至今, 已經要在今年五月邁入第三屆。我們要感謝畫廊界前輩的鼓勵,以及文建會、文化局等單位的支持; 更感謝廣大參展畫廊的熱心參與,共同把台灣這個專屬青年藝術家的交流平台,穩固的搭建起來。

  我們一直秉持著「不要最大,但要最好」的理念,希望能夠確實地把亞洲最好的畫廊及最好的藝術作品,帶進來台灣,分享給所有收藏家朋友;也期盼這些畫廊在YOUNG ART TAIPEI 這個平台,與台灣的畫廊同業達成各種國際性交流,並順勢將台灣藝術家推廣出去,這其實就是YOUNG ART TAIPEI 存在的最高價值。

  今年YOUNG ART TAIPEI 重點宣傳活動,除了繼續2010 年反應熱烈的「新潮賞Young Art Award」及「800 美金藏家入門計劃」外,我們特別邀請研揚文教基金會,把以上兩項活動內容,進駐該基金會策劃的100 個科技公司,藝術走廊「ART100」專案展出。另外,我們亦首次的將Young Art Taipei 展前宣傳觸角,延伸到中部「科元藝術中心」,南部「加力畫廊」,舉辦收藏家預展聯誼會, 期待加溫氣氛,達到南北平衡之效果。

  我們萬分歡迎所有共襄盛舉的舊識,以及新加入合作行列的專家、學者、媒體、廠商、朋友, 有您們的相挺,YOUNG ART TAIPEI 勢必會如大家期許的,好上加好!


The Asian Values
Shall Start from Taipei

  With the gradual development of the Asian economic system, each region start to pay attention to its culture industry. Art fair, which play a major role in art market, thus becomes a popular event to celebrate the success of the art industry. Among these festivals featuring various aspects of arts, YOUNG ART TAIPEI definitely provides one of the most unique and unignorable platforms.

  Focusing on the contemporary artists under the age of 45, YOUNG ART TAIPEI has reached its third anniversary in this coming May since 2009. In addition to the effort from the four founders, we have owed our thanks to the encouragement from the senior gallerists, the governmental support from the Council for Cultural Affairs, the Department of Cultural Affairs (Taipei), and many others. We also appreciate the zealous participation from all the exhibitors. Such a communicational platform particularly designed for young artists would have not been established so stably if not for their help.

  “Don’t be the greatest in size but in quality” has always been our belief, with which we wish to introduce the best galleries and works of art in Asia to the collectors in Taiwan. We also desire to encourage the galleries in Taiwan to further reach the world in any possible ways and to promote the Taiwanese artists onto the international stage. These should be the core values of YOUNG ART TAIPEI.

  The featured projects in YOUNG ART TAIPEI include “Young Art Award” and “Affordable Art Campaign” which have received tremendous positive responses last year. This year, with the collaboration with AAEON Foundation, we will introduce these two projects to 100 technology companies in the “ART 100 PROJECT.” Additionally, it is the first time for YOUNG ART TAIPEI to reach beyond Taipei – the preshow of YOUNG ART TAIPEI will be presented at Ke-Yuan Gallery in Taichung and In Art in Tainan to heat up the expectation and to balance the regional differences.

  We sincerely welcome all the participating scholars, experts, media, and supplies. No matter you are old friends or new, YOUNG ART TAIPEI will definitely present the best art event with your support and expectation!

  Best Regards,

台灣當代藝術社 社長
Young Art Taipei 執行委員會 主席
Frank C. LIU
President of Taiwan Contemporary Art Link
Chairman of Young Art Taipei

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