南島人聲樂團專輯 A CAPPELLA OF PINGTUNG(附歌詞曲譜本)

南島人聲樂團專輯 A CAPPELLA OF PINGTUNG(附歌詞曲譜本)
NT $ 285 ~ 349


  近年台灣各地吹起A Cappella風(無伴奏合唱),漸成台灣重要潮流,屏東音樂風氣鼎盛,「阿卡貝拉」也同樣遍地開花。曲風融合現代爵士、節奏藍調與巧思,活潑多樣,見證屏東的音樂實力,更盼美聲直達人心流傳不輟。

  In recent years, a cappella, which is singing or playing without instrumental accompaniment, has taken Taiwan by storm and gradually become an important music trend on the island. Pingtung has a thick atmosphere of music, and a cappella is prevalent here. The diverse and lively music style blends modern jazz and R&B in addition to creativity, which has witnessed Pingtung’s music ability. Hopefully, the beautiful music will reach out to more people and keep playing in people’s minds.
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