
NT $ 300 ~ 360
  • 作者:Bonnie Pang
  • 出版社:非凡出版社
  • 出版日期:2020-02-28
  • 語言:繁體中文
  • ISBN10:9888674455
  • ISBN13:9789888674459
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 152頁 / 17 x 23 x 1 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版


  IT男 X 藝術女甜蜜吵鬧的情侶日常


  You are my UNICORN!
  The sweet and silly life of IT Guy & Art Girl

  Met online, talked for 7 hours on the first date, got together within 2 months!
  How two totally different backgrounds be so compatible?
  With 200k+ followers on Instagram,
  Hong Kong illustrator Bonnie records all of the moments in this book!
  *Come along with an IT Guy & Art Girl user's manual!


  Bilingual in Chinese and English



Bonnie Pang

  香港插畫家及漫畫家。2012年畢業於香港中文大學地理系,2016年修畢美國舊金山藝術大學碩士課程。曾擔任動畫原畫師,其後集中創作漫畫及插畫,外國讀者為多。2015年憑窩心日常漫畫獲得Line Webtoon國際網絡漫畫比賽季軍。2018年開始連載。現為自由創作人,主要繪畫歐美童書插畫及個人漫畫。不畫畫的時候,喜歡玩狗,烹調和遠足。

  Hong Kong illustrator and comic artist. Obtained a bachelor’s degree in Geography from The Chinese University of Hong Kong(2012), then a Master’s degree from The Academy of Art University(2016). Worked as a visual development artist and now focuses on illustrations and comics with an international audience. The webcomic was awarded 3rd place in Line Webtoon’s contest(2015). Began hosting in 2018. Currently a freelance illustrator working on children’s books and personal comics. When not drawing, can be found playing with dogs, cooking and hiking.

  FB:The Art of Bonnie Pang


推薦序 Foreword
自序 Preface
人物介紹 Character Sheet
交友平台的分類 Types of Dating Platform
Chapter 1 網上交友奇遇記
Online Dating Adventures

獨立女性 Independent Women
和尚寺 Monastery
愛情白痴 Idiot in Love
生存動力 Will to Live
母親的憂慮 Mother's Worries
交友軟件 Dating Apps
最強防禦 Greatest Defence
約會實錄#1 Date Stories#1
約會實錄#2 Date Stories#2
第一印象 First Impression
最佳藉口 Best Excuse
系統癱瘓 System Crash
擇偶標準 Standard for Partner
第一次約會 First Date
三胞胎男朋友 Triplets Boyfriend
新手上路 Getting Started
找對象:日常生活vs 網上交友 Dating in Reality vs Online App
Chapter 2 蠢蛋二人組
Two Idiots in Love

相敬如賓 Being Considerate
初吻 First Kiss
障礙物 Obstacle
相遇的故事 How We Met
見家長 Meet the Parents
判若兩人 Completely Different
生日蛋糕 Birthday Cake
情人節 Valentine's Day
IT 男的情人節禮物 IT Guy's Valentine’s Day Gift
藝術女的情人節禮物 Art Girl's Valentine's Day Gift
計劃行程 Planning Dates
香港拍拖好去處 Dating in Hong Kong
拍照留念 Photo Taking
和IT 男逛街 Shopping with IT Guy
約會vs 戀愛 Dating vs Relationship
容易滿足 Easily Satisfied
不怕悶 Not being bored
萬聖節服裝 Halloween Costume
動物系女友 Animal Girlfriend
熊系男友 Bear Boyfriend
緊握扶手 Hold the Handrail
下大雨 Heavy Rain
情人眼裏出西施 You're Beautiful
摸頭 Pet on Head
充電 Recharge
紓壓 Stress Relief
命運 Destiny
在你身邊 Being There
Chapter 3 我的IT 男友
My IT boyfriend

IT 男是幹甚麼的? What Does IT Guy Do?
做IT 入錯行? IT is a Bad Career?
IT 部門的同事 IT Department Colleagues
IT 男的日常生活 IT Guy’s Typical Day
內心世界 Inside His Mind
職業歧視 Occupational Discrimination
感性生物 Emotional Being
誘惑 Temptation
向親友介紹IT 男友 Introduce IT Boyfriend to Relatives
駝背 Slouch
皮膚乾燥 Dry Skin
玫瑰潤膚霜 Rose Body Lotion
IT 男使用手冊 It Guy User Manual
Chapter 4 我的藝術女友
My Art Girlfriend

藝術女是幹甚麼的? What Does Art Girl Do?
藝術能當飯吃嗎? Make a Living Out of Art?
自由工作者很自由? Is Freelance Life Really Free?
動畫電影 Animation Feature
藝術女的社交 Socializing with Art Girl
藝術系女子 Artsy Girls
沉思的藝術家 Musing Artist
藝術女的睡房 Art Girl’s Bedroom
跟藝術女同居 Living with Art Girl
理性生物 Rational Being
動物控 Animal Lover
兩個星球的人 Opposite Planet
藝術女使用手冊 Art Girl User Manual
Chapter 5 網絡漫畫之旅
Journey of Webcomics

動物角色 Animal Characters  
如果… What If…
取得同意 Asking for Permission
準備就緒 All Ready
一模一樣 Look the Same
生日快樂 Happy Birthday  
公眾人物 Public Figure
共鳴 Relatable
後記 Epilogue
網路書店 類別 折扣 價格
  1. 新書
  2. 新書
  3. 新書
  4. 新書
  5. 新書
  6. 新書