
NT $ 5,808
  • 作者:先鋒空間
  • 出版社:華中科技大學出版社
  • 出版日期:2018-04-01
  • 語言:簡體中文
  • ISBN10:7568035964
  • ISBN13:9787568035965
  • 裝訂:精裝 / 460頁 / 8k / 41.5 x 29.5 x 4.5 cm / 普通級 / 初版




012 Grace European-style home 優雅歐式風情家
026 Elegant palace style, classics-supreme romance 典雅宮廷風 經典至上的浪漫
042 European-style rural lifestyle, romantic and luxury 美式田園生活 浪漫又奢華
056 Romantic feelings of European-style household 歐式家居的浪漫情懷
064 French-style romance with dense tone 濃郁色調的法式浪漫
076 Graceful, poised and noble Italian neoclassical deduction 雍容貴氣的意式新古典演繹
094 Grace, energetic French-style villa 優雅活力的法式墅居
114 Solemn, dignified, classic European-style mansion 莊重大氣的古典歐式大宅
126 Extremely warm, sweet, modern American-style mansion 溫馨非常的現代美式大宅
132 Elegant, dignified grace and magnificance 典雅大氣的雍容華麗
140 Ultimate deduction of rational space 理性空間的極致演繹
150 Old castle with deepness in style 深沉格調的古堡風情
160 The exalted American castle style 尊貴大氣的美式古堡風
170 American style with gentleman style 紳士格調的美式風格
178 American-style rural lifestyle with decoration principal 裝飾主義的美式鄉村風情
186 Honorable, mysterious Italian-style new classics 尊貴神秘的意式新古典
198 Retro style is coming, carrying American-style through to the end 復古風來襲 將美式進行到底
206 Americanism re-marking classics 複刻經典的美式主義
212 Simple European style showing low key, luxury 簡約歐式顯低調高貴奢華
220 Magnificent heart-warming style with simplified European style 簡歐風的華美暖心格調
228 Delicate, subtle French style 精緻微妙的法式風情
238 Modern household with full entry luxury feelings 輕奢感十足的現代家居
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