Who Was Mark Twain?

Who Was Mark Twain?
NT $ 199


  A humorist, narrator, and social observer, Mark Twain is unsurpassed in American literature. Best known as the author of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain, not unlike his protagonist, Huck, has a restless spirit. He found adventure prospecting for silver in Nevada, navigating steamboats down the Mississippi, and making people laugh around the world. But Twain also had a serious streak and decried racism and injustice. His fascinating life is captured candidly in this enjoyable biography.

  如果你只知道馬克.吐溫是《湯姆歷險記》的作者,而不知道馬克,吐溫並不是馬克.吐溫的真名,那你一定要讀這本敘述馬克.吐溫一生的Who Was Mark Twain。 馬克.吐溫一生的經歷總是讓後人津津樂道,他出生和過世的年份都恰巧碰上哈雷彗星造訪地球的七十五年週期,是巧合?還是暗示著一個偉人的誕生及殞落呢? 這本Who Was Mark Twain 帶領小朋友一同認識這位美國20世紀的幽默大師,讓小朋友了解是什麼造就了這位暢銷作家,以及他如何面對人生中不可避免的挫折與失敗。在書中每章節的開頭,作者都會引用一段馬克.吐溫的名言,既幽默又深植人心。小朋友,也許在看完這本書之後,你也能說出這樣既風趣又富深義的話喔﹗

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