Harpercollins Treasury of Picture Book Classics: A Child’s First Collection

Harpercollins Treasury of Picture Book Classics: A Child’s First Collection
NT $ 1,400



  擁有近85年童書出版歷史的美國哈潑柯林斯出版社,將數十年來最受歡迎的12篇經典繪本集結成為《Harpercollins Treasury of Picture Book Classics: A Child’s First Collection》 (哈潑柯林斯繪本寶庫),這些故事不但是許多愛書人的共同回憶,也是最適合與身邊孩子分享的繪本寶庫。

  《Harpercollins Treasury of Picture Book Classics》(哈潑柯林斯繪本寶庫)完整收錄12篇經典繪本,大開本設計適合與孩子共讀,也保留了原版插圖的精彩張力。每篇故事均附有專家導讀與作者介紹,讓讀者可以深入了解故事的特殊意義。繪本只能拿來朗讀嗎?當然不是!導讀中舉出許多能和孩子在閱讀後一起討論的話題,並列舉各種有趣的延伸活動。

  《Harpercollins Treasury of Picture Book Classics》(哈潑柯林斯繪本寶庫)共收錄以下12篇繪本:

  1.Goodnight Moon (月亮晚安)
  2.Caps for Sale (賣帽子)
  3.Harold and the Purple Crayon (阿羅有枝彩色筆)
  4.Crictor (天才蟒蛇克里特)
  5.A Baby Sister for Frances (法蘭西絲當大姊姊了)
  6.Leo the Late Bloomer (阿虎開竅了)
  7.Willam's Doll (威廉的洋娃娃)
  8.If You Give a Mouse a Cookie (如果你請老鼠吃餅乾)
  9.George Shrinks (喬治縮小了)
  10.Baby Says (寶寶學說話)
  11.From Head to Toe (從頭動到腳)
  12.Pete's a Pizza (派弟是個大披薩)

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  “Choosing books for children is not easy. From the thousands published each year, how can we pick the favorites that children will get to know by heart? I believe this treasury is a surefire place to start.”—Valerie Lewis

  From early, beloved classics such as Goodnight Moon and Harold and the Purple Crayon to such recent treasures as If You Give a Mouse a Cookie and Pete's a Pizza, this collection assembles twelve of the greatest picture books ever published. Parents can share the joy of introducing young children to many timeless favorites that have already enchanted millions of readers.

  This volume offers a wonder-filled opportunity for preschoolers and families to own and share "the best of the best."

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