
Volume 16 continues to offer international perspectives on textual scholarship, including contributions by David Greetham, Jerome McGann, Peter L. Shillingsburg, H.T.M. Van Vilet, Geert Lerhout, Dirk Van Hulle, Burghard Dedner, Cristina Urchueguía, Robert Adams, T.H. Howard-Hill, Andrew Murphy, J.C.C. Mays, Jack Stillinger, George Bornstein, Neil Fraistat, Elizabeth Loizeaux, Marjorie Perloff, Johanna Drucker, Charles Bernstein, Marta Werner, Craig Baker, John Bryant, Hans Walter Gabler, James Hutchison, Roger Lüdeke, Theresa Tinkle, Clive Probyn, and Mary Jane Edwards, on topics ranging from the textuality of a 1999 presidential address to theories on visual textuality.
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