Who Was Leonardo Da Vinci?

Who Was Leonardo Da Vinci?
NT $ 158


  Leonardo da Vinci was a gifted painter, talented musician, and dedicated scientist and inventor, designing flying machines, submarines, and even helicopters. Yet he had a hard time finishing things, a problem anyone can relate to. Only thirteen paintings are known to be his; as for the illustrated encyclopedia he intended to create, all that he left were thousands of disorganized notebook pages. Here is an accessible portrait of a fascinating man who lived at a fascinating time-Italy during the Renaissance.

  除了畫出鼎鼎大名的蒙娜麗莎之外,你還知道達文西其他的豐功偉業嗎? 讓Who Was Leonardo da Vinci? 帶領你進入時光機,到文藝復興時期的義大利一窺究竟。 淺顯易懂的文字配上生動的插圖,讓小朋友在沒有壓力的情況下輕輕鬆鬆認識這位集畫家、發明家、科學家、工程師於一身的藝術家。除了流暢的故事之外,作者還適時地加入一些重要的歷史及科學知識,讓小朋友不只認識達文西的生平,還能得到實用的小常識。書後的附錄更貼心地為小朋友附上年表及參考文獻,讓有興趣的小朋友能繼續挖掘更多達文西的秘密。

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