A-Z Mysteries: D-G : The Deadly Dungeon/the Empty Envelope/the Falcon’s Feathers/the Goose’s Gold

A-Z Mysteries: D-G : The Deadly Dungeon/the Empty Envelope/the Falcon’s Feathers/the Goose’s Gold
NT $ 630


Available on audio for the first time, stories from the A to Z Mysteries series included in this collection are 'D is for Dungeon,' in which Dink and his friends have a sleepover in a haunted castle; 'E is for Envelope,' in which Dink keeps getting crank mail; 'F is for Falcon,' in which Dink and his friends try to save a nest of endangered falcons; and 'G is for Gold,' in which Dink and his friends discover sunken treasure during their Florida vacation.
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