Rise of the Silver Surfer

Rise of the Silver Surfer
NT $ 280


【驚奇4超人:銀色衝浪手現身Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver】

    Adventurers. Celebrities. Family. They are the Fantastic Four, the world's greatest Super Hero team: scientific genius Reed Richards, with the ability to stretch and contort his body into any shape imaginable; the beautiful Susan Storm, who can render herself invisible and create and project powerful force fields; Sue's brother, Johnny Storm, who can engulf his body in flames and take flight at will; and Ben Grimm, whose freakish transmutation turns him into an orange-colored, rock-like, superhumanly strong creature.

  Now the Fantastic Four meet their greatest challenge yet, as an enigmatic, intergalactic herald comes to Earth -- to prepare it for destruction. As the mysterious alien being races around the globe, wreaking havoc and leaving utter chaos in its wake, Reed, Sue, Johnny, and Ben must find a way to confront this devastating force...even as a new threat looms in the surprising return of their mortal enemy, Victor Von Doom, who harbors his own deadly machinations for them all....

  【驚奇4超人:銀色衝浪手現身】是今夏繼【蜘蛛人3】後,又一改編Marvel最暢銷經典同名漫畫的續集電影,首集全球熱賣超過3億3千萬美金,這次將再 次從暢銷漫畫作品取材改編,電影將從漫畫中的「世紀婚禮」高潮段落展開,也就是漫迷所津津樂道的「奇幻人」里德與「隱形女」蘇的婚禮,電影也將在這精彩的 開場後讓劇情急轉直下,因為銀色衝浪手的出現,破壞了婚禮計畫,四位驚奇超人也迅速回到戰備狀態,準備迎向立刻展開的保衛攻防戰。

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