Catalogue of the Lady Ludlow Collection of English Porcelain: At the Bowes Museum

Catalogue of the Lady Ludlow Collection of English Porcelain: At the Bowes Museum
NT $ 3,375


Comprising some 400 pieces of the finest Bow, Chelsea, Derby and Worcester porcelain, with examples from other factories, The Lady Ludlow collection of English porcelain is first and foremost one of the greatest assemblages of 18th-century English porcelain in existence, with early-19th-century additions. Although collected between the two world wars, it reflects an Edwardian taste for lavishness and represents the fruits of the unrivalled buying opportunities enjoyed by collectors in what may now be seen as a time of plenty.
Lady Ludlow published a catalogue of her collection in 1932, but this has long been out of print, and also out of date, as she both added and disposed of items after its publication. This new colour-illustrated catalogue of the whole collection, with an introduction to the collector herself, is a most valuable source of reference for porcelain collectors and all who wish to study and compare the finer points of English porcelain at its very highest level of design and workmanship.
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