
Discover What Self-Made Millionaires Do--Every Step of the Way

People need blueprints to achieve success, just as a builder needs blueprints to construct a house. Whether you are building a house or building a business, you need to know what has worked in the past. That is what Prepare to Be a Millionaire is all about.

Tom Spinks founded the Texas-based award winning magazine,Millionaire Blueprints, because he discovered that most people who have realized their dreams have had specific directions, examples, guidelines, and instructions from individuals who have already been there. Prepare toBe a Millionaire expands on Spinks's mission of entrepreneurial networking and mentoring by offering first-person accounts and advice from self-made millionaires who have already 'walked the walk' and who are now gracious enough to teach and guide others toward their own journey to success.

No matter what industry you are in or want to be in, Prepare to Be a Millionaire delivers priceless information and ideas through each and every story. Each featured entrepreneur has gone through the good times--as well as the tough times--that are part of a successful journey. Now, it is your turn. Through reading what entrepreneurs really have to say about their success and failures, the lessons they've learned along the way, and the mistakes they've made, you will be empowered with specific knowledge that will grow your business, build your customer base, and put money in your pocket. Follow their directions--their Blueprints--and build and succeed in the business of your dreams!

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