
Even though the stress and the punishing hours of his job as a litigation associate have cost him his marriage and quality time with his two young daughters, Luke Creed remains fiercely driven. When Luke takes on the defense of a pharmaceutical company in an explosive wrongful death suit, he is surprised to square off against Amy Hazeltine Nash, his high school sweetheart. A single mother recovering from a failed marriage, Amy is a passionate advocate for her bereaved client and is shocked that once-rebellious Luke is now representing corporate interests. But Amy cannot deny her rekindled feelings for Luke.

Concerned that his client may be lying, Luke investigates the case more closely, which means spending more time with Amy. When one of Luke's colleagues dies under suspiciouscircumstances, he finds he is in danger of losing not only the case, but his life. With help from Amy, Luke delves into a dangerous web of corruption that involves his client and his firm. The Price explores the questions of what is truly important in life and how high a price a person is willing to pay to achieve his or her ambitions.

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