Right Brain / Left Brain Leadership: Shifting Style for Maximum Impact

Right Brain / Left Brain Leadership: Shifting Style for Maximum Impact
NT $ 2,205


Leaders of all kinds, in all fields, need to be methodical and logical, but also strategic, innovative, and intuitive. Yet the two different styles require different modes of thinking, or what author Mary Lou Decosterd describes as shifts to right brain, or left brain, thinking. Those who operate in what she explains as the left brain mode develop strong logical, rational, and analytical abilities, but they may be oblivious to the value of right brain thinking, which spurs intuition, subjectivity, and creativity. And those who always operate in the latter mode lose the value of the former. A leader who is habitually a "left-brainer" sees only the big picture, rather than its parts, is creative but not usually analytical, is an emotional far more than logical. So who is more effective? Veteran consultatnt Decost erd shows how those with maximum success are leaders who understand both styles and have the ability to swtich between them when the situation is best served by one or the other. She shows 10 leadership behaviors broken down into 100 leadership traits - presenting all that leaders need to know, and be, in one concise and accessible guide.
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