The Practitioner’s Handbook: A Guide for Counsellors, Psychotherapists and Counselling Psychologists

The Practitioner’s Handbook: A Guide for Counsellors, Psychotherapists and Counselling Psychologists
NT $ 5,625


The Practitioner's Handbook is an essential guide to professional development in counseling, psychotherapy, and counseling psychology. Written in a friendly and informal style, the Handbook addresses the key concerns and questions most frequently raised by newly qualified practitioners, including:
  • How to avoid complaints and litigation
  • How to write client reports
  • How to interpret medical and psychiatric assessments
The Handbook also outlines different avenues for career development (such as research, supervision, training or management), providing the reader with practical hints and guidance on how to take the next career step and organize continuing professional development (CPD).

The Practitioner's Handbook is the ideal companion for newly qualified practitioners and those nearing the end of their professional training. Leading contributors share their knowledge and experience on key topics, making the Handbook an indispensable guide for continuing professional development.
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