The Rose Labyrinth

The Rose Labyrinth
NT $ 943
  • 作者:HardieTitania
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:2008-11-18
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1416584609
  • ISBN13:9781416584605
  • 裝訂:精裝 / 390頁 / 4.4 x 15.9 x 22.2 cm / 普通級


  聽過「玫瑰十字會」這個神祕宗教嗎?它的創立者就是伊莉莎白女王的顧問、著名煉金術士約翰迪(John Dee)。據說他已經解開宇宙的奧祕,並多次與天使對話,但害怕被當作異端邪說,始終未公開,只是交代後世子孫等候最佳時機再宣佈。奇妙的是,他規定這祕密必須代代傳給女兒守護。2003年春天,最後一位守護聖女死於癌症,很不幸的她並沒有女兒或孫女可以傳承,於是她將一張寫滿玄祕文字的羊皮紙和一把銀鑰匙,交給小兒子威爾(Will),並留下遺言說,「當你不再是你」時,謎底就能解開。威爾試圖解謎,卻在逼近成功時被宗教狂熱份子暗殺。眼看著祕密即將中斷,他的心臟被捐給了一位等著換心的女孩露西,而露西的主治醫師正是威爾的哥哥亞歷斯。於是應驗了他母親的預言,不再是威爾的威爾,也就是露西,和亞歷斯攜手拼湊謎底。但想要搶奪這項祕密的狂喜派教徒也虎視眈眈在後……


泰塔妮亞.哈迪(Titania Hardie)


  2007年,哈迪宣佈完成第一本文學小說《玫瑰迷宮》,引起大眾矚目。在這本小說裡,哈迪以畢生對於神祕學的鑽究,揭露英國最著名煉金術士所留下「和天使對話」之謎。這位煉金術士就是伊莉莎白女王的顧問約翰.迪(John Dee),他同時也是神祕組織「玫瑰十字會」的創始人。最叫人好奇的是,哈迪的神祕學背景、她的姓名(Hardie),在在都隱射了她與約翰.迪(Dee)之間有神祕的聯繫。而且初試啼聲的哈迪功力不凡,將龐雜的歷史、前端科學與醫學、玄奧的神祕學,融治成為一本雅俗共賞的浪漫解謎小說。果然,眾多大出版社在閱讀她的草稿之後,紛紛以極高預付金競標,最後由Headline出版社買下此書的英語版權,主編讚譽她那神秘懸疑的故事張力,令人讀得欲罷不能。隨後小說迅速售出二十幾國版權,國際各大媒體更評論《玫瑰迷宮》是繼《達文西密碼》之後,最令人期待的懸疑小說。2008年春《玫瑰迷宮》先後在英國、西班牙等地上市,不但迅速攻上暢銷榜之外,也榮獲澳洲兩項文學獎項的提名。

  除了小說與白魔法相關著作,泰塔妮亞.哈迪還與畫家夏綠蒂.彌朵頓(Charlotte Middleton)合作了一系列【雞蛋花仙子】(The Frangipani Fairies)的兒童繪本。好學無止境的她,目前還回到布里斯托大學攻讀浪漫派詩人的學位,並與丈夫和兩個女兒定居於英國西南角的薩摩塞特(Somerset)。




A blackbird’s song broke into his uneasy dreams, but the shutters on the cottage windows were still tightly closed.

Will had arrived late, the faded September twilight long gone, but the moon had been bright enough to find the secreted house key among the geraniums. He woke now in panic in the darkness, strangely disorientated, though a tiny shaft of light was trying to force its way in. Without his noticing, morning had come.

He leaped from the bed in a rush, and worried at the window catches. The wood had swollen in the rainy weather, and the shutters stuck for a moment before his fingers understood them. Then instantly he was bathed in intense light. It was a perfect early autumn morning, the low-lying mist already pierced with sunshine. The myrrh scent of roses came in with the light and the moist air, blending with the distinct note of French lavender from a hedge somewhere below. Such bittersweet memories stole in with the smell, but at least they restored some sense of calm and drove the haunting faces that had crowded his dreams from his mind.

He had forgotten about the immersion heater last night, but he was desperate to shower off the dust from yesterday’s long ride from Lucca. He found the cool water refreshing, sorry only to lose the heat that might have eased the stiffness in his body. His Ducati 998 was definitely not a touring bike: it was like a tetchy supermodel. Breathtakingly quick, absurdly demanding, yet exhilarating to ride, it suited Will’s humor and eccentricity to perfection; but over long stretches without a break it was uncomfortable, if he were honest. His knees had been cramping a little in the leathers late yesterday, but he shrugged that off. You had no business riding such a bike if you were fainthearted.

His face in the mirror confirmed his mother’s view of him as ”an angel a little fallen”; he resembled an extra in a Zeffirelli film, he thought, his jawline outlined with dark stubble. He laughed with shock, recognizing that at this moment the look would unsettle even her. There was something manic in the face laughing back at him, and he knew he hadn’t kept the demons of his journey from getting a little too close to his soul.

He pared -- rather than shaved -- away the growth of several days, and wiping soap from the razor he suddenly noticed a slightly faded rose which had dried perfectly in an old ink bottle by the sink. Perhaps his brother, Alex, had brought someone there in the last couple of weeks? He had been so immersed in his own thoughts lately, he hardly knew anyone else’s movements. He smiled, intrigued at the idea.

”I’ll call him early this evening,” he said aloud, surprised at the unfamiliar sound of his own voice, ”once I get to Caen.” The ferry wasn’t leaving until nearly midnight; but right now, he had things he wanted to do.

In the serene morning light of the kitchen he started to relax for the first time in weeks, losing the disturbed, fugitive feeling he’d found shadowing him recently. The smell of apples in the orchard spilled through the open door -- bringing the comfort of the thirty-one autumns he’d enjoyed before this one. He’d run from everything and everyone, but it felt good that he was coming home. He rinsed the bloodred wine stain from the glass left from last night and threw what was left of the French loaf into the oven to encourage it for a few minutes. He decided to check the bike, as he barely remembered how he’d parked it: all that had kept him going during those last grinding miles at speed from Lyon was the thought of refuge, breaking into the pungent Meaux brie he’d packed in his rucksack, with a baguette, a glass of his father’s St.-Emilion, and bed.

Outside, everything was disarmingly peaceful. There was a late flush of wisteria scrambling over the front of the cottage. Apart from superficial signs of neglect betrayed by an uncut lawn and unswept path, the house didn’t reveal the family pain that had shaped its solitude for many months. Following the sudden and terrible loss of Will’s mother from cancer late in January, no one had appeared to want to visit it. Easily accessible on any three-day weekend from their home in Hampshire, this had been her space, her escape, her joy to paint and garden in; and her ghost haunted every corner even now, in broad morning light. His father was grieving quietly and saying little, working as hard as ever to avoid thinking too much; and Alex seemed somehow to cope with all events without letting others in on the depth of his feelings. But Will was proudly his mother’s son, emotional in his response to life and passionate in his relationships. And here, in her enchanted space, he missed her.
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