
Get ready for a rip-roaring, rhyming ride that celebrates all things drivin' with a special spotlight on a kid's four-wheeled best buddy--his school bus! When you're a kid, your school bus can be your very best friend. Morning, noon, and nighttime, too, that golden buddy is at your service. Ready to drive you and your friends to and from school.

And in-between those golden-bus moments, there are other vehicles who drive around town doing what they do best--sweeping, crunching, watching, creeping! Here is an in-your-face read-aloud that is bound to become a modern classic.


Here's the word on the street about I'M YOUR BUS:

"You go, Bus!"

--Local Firetruck

"I wish I had your job."

--Neighborhood Garbage Truck

"If only my kids loved me as much as they love you."

--The Family Car

"You're a credit to vehicles everywhere."

--A Police Car

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