
  This Fall, The Walt Disney Animation Studios returns to its timeless art form of hand-drawn animation. From the creative minds of directors John Musker and Ron Clements (The Little Mermaid and Aladdin) comes an American fairy tale and musical set in the heart of New Orleans during the Jazz Age. This unforgettable tale of love, enchantment, and discovery features Tiana, a young girl with big dreams who is working hard to achieve them amid the elegance and grandeur of the fabled French Quarter. The Art of The Princess and the Frog showcases the lush concept art of this sure-to-be-classic movie, including sketches, character designs, lighting studies and storyboards, alongside inspiring quotes from the directors, producers, artists and designers, including veteran hand drawn animators that brought you many of Disney's most classic and unforgettable characters.


Jeff Kurtti

  Jeff Kurtti is the author of more than 20 books including A Bug's Life: The Art and Making of an Epic of Miniature Proportions. He is an author, writer, and consultant in the motion picture, theater, and themed-entertainment industries.

Ron Clements and John Musker

  Ron Clements and John Musker have produced award-winning films together for over 25 years, including some of Disney's most memorable features, like The Little Mermaid and Aladdin.

John Lasseter

  John Lasseter is a two-time Academy Award winning director and the chief creative officer at Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios.

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