Cuando Sea grande

Cuando Sea grande
NT $ 130


En este libro con partes m漃viles para ni鄚os, el peque鄚o Pip oruga est榥 ansioso por saber c漃mo ser榥 cuando llegue a ser grande. Anda preguntando de su destino a caracoles, hormigas, abejas, escarabajos, saltamontes, lib歋lulas, y, al fin, a su madre, una mariposa.In this book with movable parts for children, little Pip the caterpillar is anxious to know what he will be like when he grows up. He goes around asking snails, ants, bees, beetles, grasshoppers, dragon flies, and finally, his mother, a butterfly, about his destiny.Pip the caterpillar asks his insect friends to help him figure out what he's going to be when he grows up.
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