This High, Wild Country: A Celebration of Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park

This High, Wild Country: A Celebration of Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park
NT $ 978


For centuries, the spectacular land-scapes now protected in Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park have amazed and inspired us. Historian-naturalist Paul Schullery and artist-illustrator Marsha Karle bring us a new and richly textured portrait of this magnificent region, and reveal why Waterton-Glacier is a world treasure.

Through Schullery's text and Karle's watercolors and drawings, we criss-cross the roads and trails of this magnificent wilderness. We learn its deep geological history, and encounter its wild residents. And we discover its ever-increasing value as a barometer of planetary health in today's rapidly changing world.

Schullery, who has been described as the foremost citizen of the American national parks, and Karle, whose art is informed by a National Park Service career in some of North America's most beautiful landscapes, combine their talents to create a memorable tale of the beauty, power, and peril of this high, wild country.
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