The World According to Karl

The World According to Karl
NT $ 1,042



  世界時尚品牌Chanel創意總監,人稱老佛爺的卡爾.拉格斐(Karl Lagerfeld)素來以過人的智慧與洞悉世情的銳利眼光檢視時尚圈的人事物,一針見血的毒舌程度往往令當事人難以招架。這本《The World According to Karl》收錄他對時下潮流、女性、藝術、政局以及情愛的經典語錄,內容充實且不乏驚人之語,搭配藝術家Charles Ameline特別繪製的數十張插圖,讀來萬分過癮。

  本書由法國與英國出版商合作出版,三位作者Jean-Christophe Napias、Sandrine Gulbenkian與Patrick Mauries都是歐美文化、出版或時尚界資歷頗深的專業人士。雖然卡爾.拉格斐並未參與編輯,但對此書抱持一種樂觀其成的態度。這本閃耀著智慧光芒的語錄集彷彿是一片星空,書中隨手一摘就是一顆亮眼的星子,新穎的思考角度與幽默的語彙運用,在在使得此書成為一本雋永的經典讀物。(文/博客來編譯)

  The ultimate repertoire of wit and wisdom from fashions sharpest pin Karl Lagerfeld is a modern master of couture. He is also famously outspoken: his wise, surprising statements pop up like offbeat news flashes. This collection of quotations pays homage to the legendary eminence grise of the fashion world.

  Lagerfelds pronouncements on fashion, women, art, politics, love, and life high and low are famously oracular, seized upon by fashionistas, acolytes and sages around the world. Created with the full approval of the designer himself, this cornucopia of Lagerfelds maxims is required reading for us all today as we negotiate the trickiest curves of modern life. Cultivated, unpredictable, provocative, sometimes shocking, Lagerfelds bons mots are always impossible to ignore. Jean-Christophe Napias is an author, translator and editor of books on dandies, dance music and camp culture. Sandrine Gulbenkian is director of Parigramme, a Parisian publishing house. Patrick Mauries is a writer and publisher of many notable titles on fashion and design, including Jewelry by Chanel, also published by Thames & Hudson.

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