Easy Cycling Around Vancouver: Fun Day Trips for All Ages

Easy Cycling Around Vancouver: Fun Day Trips for All Ages
NT $ 698


Whether you bicycle for fitness, pleasure, transportation or all of the above, Easy Cycling around Vancouver features dozens of routes to discover across the Lower Mainland and northwestern Washington State. From Squamish to Bellingham, Richmond to Agassiz, Jean and Norman Cousins guide you along winding backroads and quiet country lanes, pointing out the best cafes and swimming holes as well as local flora and historic sites.

This updated and expanded second edition includes:

* forty-five tours (nine all-new ones) ranging from 20 to 45 km long
* concise, easy-to-follow maps and route descriptions
* helpful tips about cycling basics, safety and trip planning

Try a flat, scenic trail with the kids or combine several tours to make up a multi-day trip. Ride right from your front door or take a bus, train or ferry to the starting point. Whatever your cycling interest, Easy Cycling around Vancouver will fit the bill.
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