Medium Raw: A Bloody Valentine to the World of Food and the People Who Cook

Medium Raw: A Bloody Valentine to the World of Food and the People Who Cook
NT $ 560
  • 作者:AnthonyBourdain
  • 出版社:Ecco Pr
  • 出版日期:2011-05-03
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0061718955
  • ISBN13:9780061718953
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 13.3 x 20.3 x 1.9 cm / 普通級





  波登剖析他的所見所聞,不時穿插自白、批判與調查,並以其犀利的筆觸,點評或質問美食界鼎鼎大名的人物,包括名廚傑米.奧利佛(Jamie Oliver)、顛覆精緻美食界的年輕主廚張戴維(David Chang)、備受推崇的「慢食之母」愛莉絲.華特斯(Alice Waters)、《頂尖主廚大對決》(Top Chef)的贏家和輸家等,甚至專闢篇章批判他心目中的「混蛋食評家」亞倫.瑞奇曼(Alan Richman)。


  A lot has changed since Kitchen Confidential - for the subculture of chefs and cooks, for the restaurant business-and for Anthony Bourdain. Medium Raw explores these changes, moving back and forth from the author's bad old days to the present. Tracking his own strange and unexpected voyage from journeyman cook to globe-travelling professional eater and drinker, Bourdain compares and contrasts what he's seen and what he's seeing, pausing along the way for a series of confessions, rants, investigations, and interrogations of some of the most controversial figures in food. And always he returns to the question: ‘Why cook?' Or the harder one to answer: ‘Why cook well?' Beginning with a secret and highly illegal after-hours gathering of powerful chefs he compares to a Mafia summit, Bourdain, in his distinctive, no-holds-barred style, cuts to the bone on every subject he tackles.



安東尼.波登Anthony Bourdain


  *曾任紐約知名法式餐廳「中央市場」(Les Halles)主廚

  著有犯罪小說《如鯁在喉》(Bone in the Throat)、《逝竹》(Gone Bamboo),以揭發廚藝界內幕的《廚房機密檔案》(Kitchen Confidential)聞名於世。另有《名廚吃四方》(A Cook’s Tour)、《胡亂吃一通》(The Nasty Bits)、《波登不設限》(No Reservations)等超級暢銷書。其文散見於《紐約時報》(New York Times)和《紐約客》(New Yorker),同時也是《食藝》(Food Arts)雜誌的特約專家

  Anthony Bourdain's books include the mega-bestseller Kitchen Confidential, A Cook's Tour and Anthony Bourdain's Les Halles Cookbook. His work has appeared in the New York Times and The New Yorker, and he is a contributing authority for Food Arts magazine. He is also the host of the Emmy Award-winning television show No Reservations.

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