Mary’s Story: After 2000 Years of Silence, Mary Tells Her Story

Mary’s Story: After 2000 Years of Silence, Mary Tells Her Story
NT $ 558


When she is chosen to bear the Messiah who will be the next King of Israel, teenage Mary knows that she has found favor with God. But things go wrong in ways she can never imagine. The story of the mother of Jesus of Nazareth is the story of a woman of first century Palestine, a wife, and a mother, who though two thousand years removed has so much in common with women of today. It is the relationship of a mother and son so much like a mother and son today. In the story, Mary manages to avoid an arranged marriage, survive a desert escape from the evil King Herod, raise seven children, endure the loss of her husband, and keep her energetic family together as a single parent. But when Jesus challenges the status quo and angers the religious and political authorities, she begins to lose control. She struggles to bring her sons under control. Then when Jesus is arrested during the Passover festival, her dangerous and frantic nighttime race to save him begins. She finds herself helpless against the Jewish authorities acting on Rome's behalf. When Jesus is turned over to the Romans to meet the same fate as so many political rebels of the time, Mary must watch her own son be crucified. This is the story that she will tell you in her own words. Then she will tell you do how she survived her own grief, anger, and remorse. Mary's Story is a Christian story, a Jewish story, and a mother's story.
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