Design & Intuition: Structures, Interior & The Mind

Design & Intuition: Structures, Interior & The Mind
NT $ 10,710


Scholarship has sought to explain design primarily as developments and trends by understanding the influential ideas of a period. These processes are resourceful to the analysis, however they don't explain why people become attached to design and cultivate it in time. For this purpose we must also gain understanding of collective cognitive processes and the meaning of design to people.The study traces the development of respective design observed first in ancient structures, and then in interiors and artefacts that are associated to architecture by design. Design form migrates usually from technology to material culture (i.e. from buildings to interiors and crafts), though this direction is not fixed in creativity. Sometimes this pattern is not followed, and arches, pilasters, tower crenellations and pediments appear in historic costume. Technology holds implications for visual culture, thus this study also looks at the inspiration in mechanical instruments observed in XXI century design.As the book unfolds a cultural phenomenon emerges. Architectural evocations in other crafts reflect that the public has its own dialogue with design. The attachments and responses of the public to design are many times a phenomenon worthy of being analyzed. The book gives out interesting findings about the mind and how it transforms design. It also exemplifies a new methodology for the observation of collective responses to design.
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