150 Best Jobs for a Secure Future

150 Best Jobs for a Secure Future
NT $ 898
  • 作者:LaurencePh.D.Shatkin
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:2012-01-01
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:159357889X
  • ISBN13:9781593578893
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 18.4 x 23.5 x 1.9 cm / 普通級


This new book uncovers the 150 most secure, well-paying jobs in good and bad times. Approximately 175 ��est jobs��lists rank secure occupations by pay, growth, and openings, plus by education level, personality type, age, self-employment, and more. Bonus lists reveal jobs highly sensitive to economic downturns and jobs highly vulnerable to offshoring. The detailed job descriptions give useful facts on pay, growth, openings, skills needed, education and training required, career pathways, personality type, work environment, highest-growth fields for each occupation, considerations for job outlook, and much more.1931654514\You Can't Outrun The Flying Dead

Oh boy, Zombies that fly airplanes! This is the world of Lady Chatterley and The Pinkerton Pranksters, masters of misinformation. The pilot you see on the cover, Archibald Butterfield-Smith, may look like a Zombie, but he is simply another one of her devious creations. In actual fact, no brains were eaten in this series (at least not on mike).

This is an alternate history of a world known as Steampunk. It's also a spoof of governments that manipulate the gullible public. Of course there are plenty of Zombies, they were created to fight the Not-So-Great-War. The Krauts have been using zeppelins to drop canisters of synthetic Zombie gas on various villages in hopes of creating a ravenous fighting force.

Our hero, Butterfield-Smith, was flying low over the Rhineland when patriotic Prussian peasants pelted his plane with tomatoes and cauliflowers. The Prussian ground artillery, seeing a pilot and plane splattered with blood and bits of brain, believed the English had created a Flying Zombie Corp!
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