Queering Iberia: Iberian Masculinities at the Margins

Queering Iberia: Iberian Masculinities at the Margins
NT $ 3,148


Masculinity scholar Armengol-Carrera (English, U. of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain) collects work on constructions of masculinity in the culture and literature of the Iberian Peninsula and in Iberian cultures, especially in Catalonia, the Basque country, Galicia, and the Americas. Touching on various time periods and genres, international contributors in Spanish literature and Latin American studies use methods and ideas from masculinity studies, feminist theory, and queer studies to question the association of Hispanic cultures with the macho archetype and to challenge the heterosexist foundations of that archetype. Annotation ©2012 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
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