
  本書致力於探討與所有人息息相關的「自傳性記憶」,包括以視覺影像為大宗的最初記憶、氣味∕滋味與記憶的關連、刻骨銘心的記憶,並闡釋了與自傳性記憶相關的各種大腦謎團,包括似曾相識感(Deja vu)、閃光燈記憶、懷舊效應這些我們或多或少經歷過的體驗,更生動探討了瀕死體驗、學者症候群、絕對記憶等各類文學、電視影集、電影熱愛的特例題材相關分析,以及腦損傷對記憶的影響等現象與問題。

  Entertaining and educational, Douwe Draaisma's Why Life Speeds Up As You Get Older raises almost as many questions as it answers. Draaisma applies a blend of scholarship, poetic sensibility and keen observation in exploring the nature of autobiographical memory, covering subjects such as dej...-vu, near death experiences and the effect of severe trauma on memory recall, as well as human perceptions of time at different stages in life. A highly accessible and personal read, this book will not fail to touch or provoke thought in its readers.



杜威.德拉伊斯瑪(Douwe Draaisma)

  1953 年生於荷蘭,專攻人類記憶的本質和運作方式。1999年因記憶研究上的成就,榮獲海曼斯獎(the Heymans Prize)。

  現任荷蘭格羅寧根皇家大學(University of Groningen)心理系教授。主要著作有《記憶的風景──我們為什麼「想起」,又為什麼「遺忘」?》、《記憶的隱喻》(Metaphors of Memory,劍橋大學出版),皆被譯成十多國語言。

  Douwe Draaisma is Professor of History of Psychology at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. He is the author of Metaphors of Memory (Cambridge, 2001). --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

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