The Manual of Aeronautics: An Illustrated Guide to the Leviathan Series

The Manual of Aeronautics: An Illustrated Guide to the Leviathan Series
NT $ 700


A lavishly illustrated, full-color companion to Scott Westerfeld�� New York Times bestselling Leviathan trilogy.

A must-have for any fan of Scott Westerfeld�� Leviathan trilogy, The Manual of Aeronautics is an illustrated guide to the inner workings of the Darwinist and Clanker powers. Loaded with detailed descriptions and elaborate, four-color illustrations of Darwinist beasties and Clanker walkers, weapons, transport, and uniforms, this manual highlights the international powers that Deryn and Alek encounter throughout their around-the-world adventures. This guide draws back the curtain and reveals the inner depths of Westerfeld�� fascinating alternative world.

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