Arte Chino Contemporaneo / Contemporary Chinese Art

Arte Chino Contemporaneo / Contemporary Chinese Art
NT $ 873


Beginning with the fall of the Chinese Empire in 1911, this survey�covers�the evolution of Chinese art�throughout the past century and into the present. It�recapitulates a complex and diverse cultural panorama and discusses the numerous artistic manifestations that have emerged throughout the years, oftentimes as a result of political events and turmoil. Finally, this useful reference addresses the cultural and artistic boom that has taken place in China in recent decades since the country's�transition into�capitalism, exploring the complex�process that led to�a unique aesthetic representing a�dialogue between Western novelty and Eastern tradition.
Comenzando por la ca穩da del Imperio Chino en 1911, este estudio resume la evoluci籀n del arte chino a lo largo del 繳ltimo siglo, llegando�hasta el presente.�Recapitula un panorama cultural complejo y diverso y discute las numerosas manifestaciones art穩sticas que han surgido a trav矇s de los a簽os, frecuentemente como consecuencia de eventos y problemas pol穩ticos. Finalmente, esta 繳til referencia discute el boom cultural y art穩stico que China ha experimentado en las 繳ltimas d矇cadas desde su transici籀n al capitalismo, explorando el proceso complejo que llev籀 a una est矇tica peculiar que representa un di獺logo entre la novedad occidental y la tradici籀n oriental.
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