
It�� the late 1940s in Skopje, Yugoslavia, in the critical year leading to Tito�� break with Stalin. Pushed to leave mountain villages to become the new proletariat in urban factories, a flood of peasants crowds into Skopje��nd with them, all of their goats. Suffering from hunger, Skopje�� citizens welcome the newcomers. But municipal leaders are faced with a dilemma when the central government issues an order calling for the slaughter of the country�� goat population. With food so scarce, will they hide the outlawed animals? Or will they comply with the edict and endure the bite of hunger?
�� �The Time of the Goats is the second novel in Luan Starova�� acclaimed multivolume Balkan saga. It follows the main characters from My Father�� Books and the tragicomic events of their lives in Skopje as the narrator�� intellectual father and the head goatherd become friends. As local officials clumsily carry out absurd policies, Starova conveys the bonds of understanding and mutual support that form in Skopje�� poorest neighborhoods. At once historical and allegorical, folkloric and fantastic, The Time of the Goats draws lyrically on Starova�� own childhood.
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