The Scoop on Breasts: A Plastic Surgeon Busts the Myths

The Scoop on Breasts: A Plastic Surgeon Busts the Myths
NT $ 628


At a party or at the gym, it’s invariably the men who ask Dr. Eisenberg what he does for a living. When he replies, “cosmetic breast surgery,” a deluge of questions follows. Women, however, are typically not as public with their questions. But on the phone with one of his staff members or in the privacy of a consultation, women directly ask what they want to know.

Over the years, Dr. Eisenberg and his staff compiled a list of the most commonly asked (and the most amusing) questions. After thousands of consultations and tens of thousands of questions, the doctor thought, “I could write a book.”

The Scoop on Breasts is an attempt to answer these questions in an educational and entertaining way and to bust some of the myths about cosmetic breast surgery and the women who choose it to enhance their lives.

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