An Insult-a-Day 2014 Calendar

An Insult-a-Day 2014 Calendar
NT $ 490


This calendar contains pithy proclamations from politicians, comedians, talk show hosts, and celebrities, as well as the best zingers from movies and television shows.

Whether because you’re frustrated, green with envy, or just in a foul mood, there are unlimited reasons to fire off an insult, and theAn Insult-a-Day 2014 Calendar contains some of the best zingers and comebacks from comedians, politicians, sports figures, and more. Comedian Whitney Cummings said to Donald Trump, "You are known for your terrible haircut and now I can see why. You look like Justin Beiber caught on fire." And actress Bette Davis said about Marilyn Monroe, "She’s the original good time that was had by all." When it’s time to really speak your mind, any one of these well-placed barbs will get the point across.
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