Daddy Love

Daddy Love
NT $ 560
  • 作者:Joyce CarolOates
  • 出版社:Mysterious Pr
  • 出版日期:2014-02-11
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0802122248
  • ISBN13:9780802122247
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 14 x 21 x 2.5 cm / 普通級 / 初版



  他要他的兒子們叫他「Daddy Love」。他替五歲小男孩羅賓洗腦,讓他以為他是「Daddy Love」真正的兒子,當男孩抗拒時,他受到的懲罰遠遠超過他最驚險的惡夢;羅賓的靈魂在「Daddy Love」的監看下開始扭曲,他知道自己得乖巧聽話。但隨著年齡增長,他瞭解被這個惡魔監禁的時間愈長,他就愈可能像「Daddy Love」其他的兒子一樣,音訊渺茫。這個受盡磨難的男孩內心深處,有著反叛的火苗……

  喬伊斯.卡洛.奧茲在描繪邪惡者心理和情緒的筆下工夫無人能及,驚人、寫實地表現在她所創造的「Daddy Love」角色上,這個男人慈善、博愛的偽裝外表,隱藏了不能讓外人知道的私密生活。


  Dinah Whitcomb seemingly has everything. A loving and successful husband, and a smart, precocious young son named Robbie. One day, their worlds are shattered when Dinah is attacked and Robbie is taken in a mall parking lot. Dinah, injured, attempts to follow, but is run over by the kidnapper's van, mangling her body nearly beyond repair.

  The kidnapper, a part-time Preacher named Chester Cash, calls himself Daddy Love, as he has abducted, tortured, and raped several young boys. He renames Robbie "Gideon." Daddy Love slowly brainwashes "Gideon" into believing that he is Daddy Love's real son, and any time the boy resists or rebels it is met with punishment beyond his wildest nightmares.

  As Robbie grows older, he becomes aware of just how monstrous Daddy Love is. Though as a small boy he as terrified of what might happen if he disobeyed Daddy Daddy Love, Robbie begins to realize that the longer he stays in the home of this demon, the greater chance he'll end up like Daddy Love's other "sons" who were never heard from again. Somewhere within this tortured young boy lies a spark of rebellion, and he will soon discover just what lengths he'll go to to survive.



喬伊斯‧卡洛‧奧茲(Joyce Carol Oates)

  喬伊斯.卡洛.奧茲寫作以來得獎無數, 曾獲美國國家書評協會頒發的伊凡.桑德羅夫終生成就獎、國家書卷獎、美國筆會/馬拉姆傑出短篇小說獎(PEN/Malamud)。著有當代最為雋永的小 說,包括叫好叫座的《我們是馬爾瓦尼一家》(We Were the Mulvaneys)、入圍國家書卷獎與普立茲獎的《浮生如夢》(Blonde)、《紐約時報》暢銷書《大瀑布》(The Falls)、《掘墓人的女兒》(The Gravedigger’s Daughter)。奧茲亦跨足青少年小說,作品包括《大嘴巴和醜女孩》(Big Mouth & Ugly Girl)、《奇異的綠眼睛》(Freaky Green Eyes)、《逆風飛翔》(After the Wreck, I Picked Myself Up, Spread My Wings, and Flew Away)、《性.性感》(Sexy)等。奧茲擔任普林斯頓大學人文學院特聘教授,從一九七八年以來,亦是美國藝術暨文學學會會員。二〇〇三年,獲得共同 財富文學卓越貢獻奬,二〇〇六年,獲《芝加哥論壇報》終身成就獎。

  Joyce Carol Oates is a recipient of the National Medal of Humanities, the National Book Critics Circle Ivan Sandrof Lifetime Achievement Award, the National Book Award, and the PEN/Malamud Award for Excellence in Short Fiction. She is the Roger S. Berlind Distinguished Professor of the Humanities at Princeton University and has been a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters since 1978.
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