elBulli 2005–2011

elBulli 2005–2011
NT $ 23,375


五度稱霸世界最佳餐廳elBulli 2005-2011全紀錄重現傳奇!
六本食譜  + 一本創作歷程分析 (附壓克力書盒) 


  elBulli 位於西班牙加泰隆尼亞一處海邊小村,創立半世紀以來,持續引爆烹飪新思惟,改寫世界餐飲史。elBulli每年僅半年營業,平均一年收到兩百多萬份訂單,爭取限量用餐名額,其餘時間由主廚Ferran Adrià率領團隊,耗時數千小時研發新食譜,準備為下一季饕客獻上感官驚喜。  

  elBulli 團隊於2011年歇業後,即著手出版計畫,期將這座料理界神級殿堂最顛峰七年創作歷程,毫不保留地公諸於世。本套書共七冊,前六冊收錄2005-2011年超過750道佳餚詳細食譜,並附1,400張全彩精美圖片,依elBulli獨特的菜單架構:雞尾酒、點心、西班牙小菜、餐前甜點、甜點及私房料理等分成數章。同時收錄難尋食材、技法、擺盤等註解。第七本書以Adrià在實驗室發展的顏色符碼,深入剖析elBulli 創作演化史,包括關鍵創舉及產品、每一季elBulli卓越的影響力及創新工法。  

  此套elBulli 2005 – 2011,首次披露elBulli全盛時期每一道創作環結,讓世人一窺elBulli展現最精湛烹飪藝術的內幕。(文/ 巧比非爾)  

  The first book to record elBulli’s final and most creative years - Over 2,500 pages drawn from the meticulously documented personal archives of Ferran Adria - Seven volumes, presented in a custom slipcase, bring elBulli to life and provide the only way to experience what is still considered to be the most innovative restaurant in the world - Closely examines the techniques and technologies that helped the elBulli team redefine the course of contemporary gastronomy - Captures a vital moment in culinary history when Ferran shifted the way we codify cuisine and think about the creative process - The first six volumes contain over 700 recipes created from 2005–2011, each with a stunning photograph - The seventh volume provides an evolutionary analysis of the restaurant, outlining Ferran’s creative process and allowing readers to cross reference recipes by season, technique and technology




  Ferran Adria (b.1962) is recognized as the best chef in the world. His legendary talent, creativity and gastronomic innovations have inspired chefs and food-lovers around the world for many years.

  Albert Adria (b.1969) joined elBulli in 1985 and quickly developed a passion for pastry. He was creative director of the elBulli workshop, as well as being responsible for “the sweet world”. Since the closure of elBulli in 2011, Albert has gone on to open two new venues in Barcelona (Tickets, a tapas bar and restaurant, and 41°, a cocktail bar), both to great acclaim.

  Juli Soler (b.1949) joined elBulli as restaurant manager in 1981. As well as hiring Ferran Adria, he brought the frontof-house service to a standard never seen before in Spain.

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