
Editors Blackburn, Delmar, Fayolle, and Welter present researchers, academics, practitioners, and policy analysts in the fields of management, social policy, business, and entrepreneurship with a collection of academic essays and articles investigating a variety of topical issues in small business and entrepreneurship. The nine selections that make up the bulk of the text provide an introduction to entrepreneurship and wealth creation, look at social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial orientation, technological innovation, and a several other related topics. Robert Blackburn is a faculty member of Kingston University, UK, and Turku School of Economics, Finland. Frdric Delmar is a faculty member of Lund University, Sweden. Alain Fayolle is a faculty member of EMLYON Business School, France. Friederike Welter is a faculty member of the University of Siegen, Germany, and Jönköping International Business School, Sweden. Annotation ©2015 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (protoview.com)
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