Operation Job Search: A Guide for Military Veterans Transitioning to Civilian Careers

Operation Job Search: A Guide for Military Veterans Transitioning to Civilian Careers
NT $ 630
  • 作者:John HenryWeiss
  • 出版社:Skyhorse Pub Co Inc
  • 出版日期:2016-02-16
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1634505638
  • ISBN13:9781634505635
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 12.7 x 17.8 x 2.5 cm / 普通級


Are you still looking for that perfect job six months after being discharged from the military?

Operation Job Search is a book for United States military veterans seeking employment after discharge. It provides information about the US civilian workforce and rubrics for navigating one’s career. While the focus is on those veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is a book for all veterans.

Weiss explains that hiring managers and human resource directors hire veterans who make the effort to build a relationship. He discusses the importance of leaving the house to find employers at venues such as job fairs, trade shows, and conferences, and even Starbucks. Weiss points out that work is a means to becoming self-sufficient and he offers encouraging advice, tips, and options for veterans such as:

Establish an Operation Center (home office) for job hunting.
Dress appropriately for job interviews and communicating in civilian-speak, not military jargon.
Start your own business.
Target military friendly companies that value the skill sets of returning military personnel.
And much more!
Operation Job Search is not only the veteran’s complete career guide to civilian job hunting, but also a text for understanding the real world’s workplace after the military.
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