Our Emotions Get Carried Away Beyond Us

Our Emotions Get Carried Away Beyond Us
NT $ 763


Poetry. "Danielle Deulen borrows the title of Montaigne’s essay for her extraordinary poetry book OUR EMOTIONS GET CARRIED AWAY BEYOND US. Both philosophical and anecdotal, Deulen’s poems are slippery pronouncements of our ever-allusive present which is co-opted by nostalgia for our past ’ancestor utterly naked, rock damp beneath her bare feet’ and anxiety for our future in which we will find we ’were not, after all, human.’ Infused with psychology and cinema, Deulen’s work reads like ’poetryvérité.’ Fiercely intelligent and unpretentiously profound, OUR EMOTIONS GET CARRIED AWAY BEYOND US is a thoroughly compelling book."—Denise Duhamel
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