
Beebe, Cohen, and Lachmann present this illustrated and DVD-supplemented guide to the subtle body language mediating mother-infant attachment. The brief introduction goes over topic and methodology and urges the reader to start by watching the DVD. Then, part I elaborates on the methodology and conclusions of their microanalysis study of face-to-face communication at 4 months and attachment style at 12 months, discussing the coding of action-dialogue language and providing developmental context for the psychological processes mediated by this communication. Part II shows actual frames from the study, redrawn for anonymity, showing the microexpressions and other body language associated with different types of interactions. The illustrations demonstrate facial mirroring, disruption and repair dynamics, and expressive patterns later associated with secure, insecure-avoidant, and insecure-resistant attachment styles, as well as several chapters discussing the origins of insecure-disorganized attachment both in terms of expressive patterns and their relation to maternal psychological issues such as prior trauma that often predict this. Annotation ©2016 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (protoview.com)
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