Confronting Corruption in Business: Trusted Leadership, Civic Engagement

Confronting Corruption in Business: Trusted Leadership, Civic Engagement
NT $ 3,148


Confronting Corruption focuses on the contextual issues that trigger corruption to give the reader a more thorough understanding of destructive leadership. It provides students with a unique, critical perspective on issues of leadership, corruption, and policy in different countries, industries, and companies.

While there isn’t a universally agreed upon definition of corruption in social sciences, it generally refers to efforts to secure wealth or power through misusing public power for private gain. This kind of destructive leadership is typically treated as an anomaly, but this book closes the gap in our understanding by highlighting the wider consequences of this behavior within business, and on an international level. Armed with this understanding, one also learns how to mitigate its causes and consequences.

Edited by leading experts, the book includes contributions from scholars with international expertise on leadership, strategy, political science, finance, organizational change, and public policy. It is the first book to focus on corruption on the country level and within business, and students in international business, management, ethics, and leadership classes will find it a valuable read.

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