The Secret History of Twin Peaks: A Novel

The Secret History of Twin Peaks: A Novel
NT $ 830
  • 作者:FrostMark
  • 出版社:Flatiron Books
  • 出版日期:2016-10-18
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1250075580
  • ISBN13:9781250075581
  • 裝訂:精裝 / 20.3 x 24.1 x 3.8 cm / 普通級



  知名導演大衛‧林區 David Lynch 和傑出編劇馬克‧福斯 Mark Frost聯手打造的傳奇經典影集【Twin Peaks雙峰】,即使今日再看,神秘魅力竟然絲毫未減!我們等待多年的事件真相,是否終於能一一解開?這是編劇親著的特別版小說,25 週年之際後終於和讀者見面,明年更將推出全新影集,由夢幻級原創編導兩人強力回歸,解開當年懸宕的諸多謎底,本書是重啟當年懸案,也會是新影集的重要線索!

  媲美《S.》的精彩紙本創作,100張以上彩色檔案資料,讓你親自進入警探的辦案實境,深入每一件證物與供詞,重新爬梳案情,親手破解這樁25年以來無人能解的懸案全貌──S.在當時創造了國際出版熱烈話題,是超大規格的暢銷黑馬,以獨特的「情節物件」說故事,開啟紙本書的全新可能性,帶來史無前例的閱讀體驗。本書也將以一樁陳年懸案的證物與供詞呈現,讓讀者成為警探親手經辦,透過物證與口供重新爬梳錯縱複雜的案情,思索出神祕事件的真相!(文 / 博客來編譯)

  From the co-creator of the landmark series, the story millions of fans have been waiting to get their hands on for 25 long years.

  A vastly layered, wide-ranging history that deepens the mysteries of the iconic town in ways that will thrill disciples of the original series, and will prep fans for the upcoming Showtime series like nothing else out there.



  Mark Frost was the co-creator and executive producer of the cult classic television series, "Twin Peaks," and is the author of several books including the bestseller, "The Greatest Game Ever Played." He attended school in Pittsburgh, where he studied acting, directing, and playwriting before leaving to begin his impressive career in television, film, and literature. He received a Writer s Guild Award and an Emmy nomination for his work as executive story editor on the acclaimed television series Hill Street Blues. He lives in Los Angeles and upstate New York.
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