The Boat Rocker

The Boat Rocker
NT $ 479
  • 作者:HaJin
  • 出版社:Pantheon Books
  • 出版日期:2016-10-25
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0307911624
  • ISBN13:9780307911629
  • 裝訂:精裝 / 14.6 x 21.6 x 1.9 cm / 普通級




  時值2005年,Feng Danlin旅居紐約,是個非常有原則的華人記者,他為一個小通訊社的網站撰寫文章,中文讀者廣布全球。由於經常爆炸性的揭發中國高層貪腐內幕,他十分出名,並成為共產黨官員的眼中釘。

  但是,他最新的爆料對象竟然是前妻Yan Haili,她是一個不擇手段的小說家,為了追逐她的諾貝爾獎夢,甘心淪為中國政府的走卒。在新書受到中國政府的大力吹捧下,她的呼聲越來越高。Danlin知道前妻的斤兩,她根本不可能有如此的文學高度,全是炒作出來的。Haili的作為無論在道德還是私人上都激怒了Danlin,他要給她好看!但當他揭發了真相,卻被抨擊為酸葡萄心理,並惹怒了Haili的政治靠山。Danlin必須運用他身為記者的機靈與智慧,保住自己的事業,全身而退,毫髮無傷。

  The Boat Rocker敘事流暢、人物鮮明,以幽默的筆觸勾勒出現實世界裡的憤怒與無奈。(文/博客來編譯)

  From the universally admired, award-winning author of Waiting and War Trash: an urgent, timely novel that follows an aspiring author, an outrageous book idea, and a lone journalist's dogged quest for truth in the Internet age.

  New York, 2005. Chinese expatriate Feng Danlin is a fiercely principled reporter at a small news agency that produces a website read by Chinese all over the world. Danlin's explosive exposés have made him legendary among readers—and feared by Communist officials. But his newest assignment may be his undoing: investigating his ex-wife, Yan Haili, an unscrupulous novelist who has willingly become a pawn of the Chinese government in order to realize her dreams of literary stardom.        

  Haili's scheme infuriates Danlin both morally and personally—he will do whatever it takes to expose her as a fraud. But in outing Haili, he is also provoking her powerful political allies, and he will need to draw on all of his journalistic cunning to come out of this investigation with his career—and his life—still intact. A brilliant, darkly funny story of corruption, integrity, and the power of the pen, The Boat Rocker is a tour de force.




  本名金雪飛,1956年出生於中國遼寧省。曾在中國人民解放軍中服役五年。在校主攻英美文學,1982 年畢業於黑龍江大學英語系,1984年獲山東大學英美文學碩士。1985年,赴美留學,並於1992年獲布蘭戴斯大學(Brandeis University)博士學位。現任教於美國波士頓大學。

  著有三本詩集:《於無聲處》(Between Silence)、《面對陰影》(Facing Shadows)和《殘骸》(Wreckage); 另外有四本短篇小說集:《光天化日》、《新郎》、《好兵》,和《落地》; 六部長篇小說:《池塘》、《等待》、《戰廢品》、《瘋狂》、《自由生活》、《南京安魂曲》。


  《新郎》一書獲得兩獎項:亞裔美國文學獎,及 The Townsend Prize 小說獎。《等待》一書則已譯成二十多國語言。




   HA JIN left his native China in 1985 to attend Brandeis University. He is the author of six previous novels, four story collections, three volumes of poetry, and a book of essays. He has received the National Book Award, two PEN/Faulkner Awards, the PEN/Hemingway Foundation Award, the Asian American Literary Award, and the Flannery O'Connor Award for Short Fiction. In 2014 he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Ha Jin lives in the Boston area and is director of the creative writing program at Boston University.
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